Use this easy yet valuable process to assist you in producing a little peace and even organization in your business life by shifting to outsourcing the most repetitive and menial jobs.
Obtain some paper or an iPad or a drawing board or whatever you use for note taking. Run a couple of lines straight down. This will make the three columns for your lists.
List One
Every activity you don’t enjoy carrying out
This is procrastination nation. These are those tasks you know you have actually got to do them, they weigh on your mind, and after putting them off for as long as possible, in the end you hurry through them, just to get them done and out of the way. Sometimes this causes you to mess them up, though most of the time you just do not enjoy working on them.
List Two
Each matter youre aware you cant get to now
We must be careful with this as entrepreneurs simply because we suffer from what I refer to as superhero syndrome. Where we deludedly imagine we can do every single thing, and we are able to do a lot. However, there are a bunch of actions that extremely proficient, professional individuals can do much more effectively in comparison to us. Anything from developing websites or making logo designs or even keeping the place clean or any number of other things that crop up in the course of running your business, there’s certainly stuff that other individuals can do a whole lot better in comparison to us and there are many advantages to contracting experts to complete those tasks for you, and keep everything moving forward.
List Three
Every one of those things that the business founder (thats you) shouldn’t be working on
The reason that this process helps you think properly is it gets you to see your place in the business in a way that will help you to be more effective. Every entrepreneur with a start-up has to go through the phase of learning how to lead a business rather than be the one that does it all (or worse yet) micro manages it all! Otherwise they become the bottle neck that puts a cap on the potential for growth in the business and limit whats possible, all while risking their own burn out. It is true there are many activities that we can do and there’s a great many that we are rather partial to doing, but the objection remains, should we really be doing it personally? Would it be far better to secure others to accomplish that, so we’re free to devote more hours as the boss of the venture clearly targeting more valuable business? Items like strategizing for development, generating more product or services, committing time (approximately twenty percent) to customers.