Who Should Use Offline Marketing Through Printed Media

Today, nearly everyone has access to the Internet. This is why companies and business owners often resort to the Internet to use online marketing strategies. Theyre aware that the majority of consumers are on social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. So they promote their products and services online.

If you go online, youll see websites, fan pages, and blogs solely dedicated to promoting brands and businesses. Online marketing is inexpensive, convenient, quick, and easy to do. Anyone who has a computer, Internet connection, creativity, and technical skills can use online marketing strategies.

However, even though the impact of the Internet on marketing is great, there are still plenty of people who prefer printed media. Printed materials such as newsletters, magazines, and catalogues still appeal to them. Moreover, the Internet World Stats says that about seventy million Americans still cannot be reached through online marketing strategies.

Also, even though statistics show that 92% of Americans know about Twitter, only about 8% actually use the social media platform. There are also lots of people who do not go on Facebook daily. With this being said, you can conclude that advertisers have plenty of opportunities to reach consumers through offline marketing efforts.

Who should really use offline marketing? Anyone who wants to make their business grow. Small, medium, and huge companies can use offline marketing strategies to achieve their business goals.

Sales can significantly increase when these strategies are employed. Offline media channels remain effective in building buzz about services or products, in spite of the popularity of online media channels.

Offline marketing through printed media is especially advised to those who own mom and pop businesses, or small operations that aim to build a foothold or name in the local community. Family restaurants, diners, boutiques, and local salons can use ads in their community newspapers. Likewise, independent photography studies can use targeted direct mail to establish themselves in their area.

Offline marketing is also ideal for owners of mid-sized and regional businesses. A company with a large customer base that has to reach consumers in a geographical region or metropolitan area can benefit from printed media channels.

Traditional advertising techniques are ideal for construction companies, grocery store chains, and automotive dealers. Regional TV commercials, radio spots, and billboards are effective in spreading the word about companies and building their credibility.

Furthermore, international and major companies such as huge corporations that have recognizable brand characteristics and names can use printed media in their national marketing campaigns. They can aim for brand awareness, as well as increase in traffic, sales, and profits. Even though they already have a following, offline marketing strategies can still help them gain more consumers and improve their image.